Čistiace práce, deparafinizácia sond a tesniaca zmes pre plynové vrty

Informácie o zákazke


Názov zákazky: Čistiace práce, deparafinizácia sond a tesniaca zmes pre plynové vrty
Kód zákazky:
Postup: Obchodná verejná súťaž
Druh: Tovary,Služby
Predpokladaná hodnota: 0,00 €


Predkladanie ponúk: 12.2.2025 23:59
Vyhlásenie: 3.2.2025

Verejný obstarávateľ

Názov organizácie: NAFTA a.s.
Adresa: Votrubova 1
821 09 Bratislava
Miesto dodania: Slovenská republika
Zdroj: Webové sídlo obstarávateľa


The Frame Contract for the providing of the services for years 2025 - 2027; Based on publishing this notice of the commercial public tender call on the web sites of NAFTA a.s. (www.nafta.sk) via delivery of e-mail to the Contracting authority by 12th of February, 2025 using e-mail address of the contact person the bidders shall demonstrate the interest in the participation in the Tender; The explanation of the participation conditions mentioned in this notice is possible only based on a written request delivered electronically by email to the contact person of the Contracting authority no later than 7th of February 2025 at 12:00 p.m; Working hours of the Contracting authority during working days from Monday to Friday are from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.