TK1 and TK2 Compressor Units Renewal Project – gas coolers (Following publication of this notice of a competitive public tender on the NAFTA a.s. website (, tenderers may express their interest in participating by sending an email to the Awarding Authority, by 31.01.2024, at the purchasing portal

Informácie o zákazke


Názov zákazky: TK1 and TK2 Compressor Units Renewal Project – gas coolers (Following publication of this notice of a competitive public tender on the NAFTA a.s. website (, tenderers may express their interest in participating by sending an email to the Awarding Authority, by 31.01.2024, at the purchasing portal
Kód zákazky:
Postup: Obchodná verejná súťaž
Druh: Tovary,Služby
Predpokladaná hodnota: 0,00 €


Predkladanie ponúk: 26.2.2024 10:00
Vyhlásenie: 8.12.2023

Verejný obstarávateľ

NUTS: SK010 - Bratislavský kraj
Miesto dodania: Plavecký Štvrtok
Zdroj: Webové sídlo obstarávateľa